hanging ten
you would never see these guys on a dance floor of any kind, they don't fancy themselves either graceful or rhythmic, but if you could have seen them this evening, their every move fluid and elegant, literally gliding aross and to the edge of their boards in perfect timing with the break, you would have awarded them hands down. Set after set rolled in and held me spellbound. Meanwhile the dolphins lept and played just off the periphery, it was like they wanted to be a part of it too. We were all one perfect family for a moment, connected through the ocean, playing together yet in our way, and enjoying the best part of the day and the shore. It was indescribable and profound. I was spellbound for at least two hours, unable to leave the spot were I stood mesmerized as I took it all in. I know how truly blessed I am to live here and I am grateful beyond all words.